A Message from the President – 2022 January
January 24, 2022 Dear Statewide Members, I hope you were all able to find time to rest and enjoy the company of family and friends during the holidays and are as ready as you can be for our Spring Semester that is underway for many, if not all, of our campuses. I am excited and…
Election Results
Official results of the APA Statewide Officer Election – 2021: President: Seth Bean Vice President: Susan McNeil Secretary: Mark Powers Do you approve of the change to the APA by-law language?: Yes Full results available to view on electionrunner.
Minutes 2017-09
Friday, September 15, 2017Education Association of Worcester (EAW)Grove Street, Worcester 01605 10:00am Attending: Sherry Horeanopoulos (President/Fitchburg), Charlie Cianfarini (VP/MCLA), Jim Murphy (Treasurer), Michael Pelletier (Salem), Michael Storey (Bridgewater), Howie Larosee (Mass Art), Mark Powers (Framingham), Alan Jackson (Worcester), Edward Vacha (Mass Maritime), Katie D’Urso (MTA) Not attending: Aaron Childs (Membership), Rich Sutter (Westfield), Kathi Bradford (Secretary), I. Call to Order 10:14am II. Approval of June Minutes and August Minutes – Moved: AJackson – Seconded: Mike Storey Sherry abstained from June, all others approved, August approval unanimous. III. President’s Report IV. Treasurer’s Report/ Audit Report V. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report – Mark Powers VI. Seconded by Charlie – unanimous approval VII. Membership and Data (submitted by Aaron via email prior to the meeting) VIII. Health and Welfare Report IX. Committee Reports X. Old/New Business XI. Adjournment Next Meeting: Negotiations in Auburn on September 25th and October 10 at 10:00am, then Board Meeting on Friday, October 20, 2017 ‐ 10am, Worcester (see below)
Minutes: 2016-11
Friday, November 17, 2017Salem State UniversitySalem, MA 12:00pm, Annual Statewide meeting ANNUAL STATEWIDE MEETING AGENDA I. Call to Order – Sherry Horeanopoulos, President II. Approval of Minutes from November 18, 2016 (pending quorum) III. Treasurer’s Report – Jim Murphy, Treasurer IV. President’s Report – Sherry V. Membership and Data – Aaron Childs, Statewide Membership Coordinator VI. Health and Welfare Report ‐ Alan Jackson, Representative to the Health and Welfare Committee VII. Old/New Business a. Contract Negotiations b. Open Q and A from the floor VIII. Announcements IX. Adjournment Attending: Sherry Horeanopoulos (President/FitchburgSU), Aaron Childs (Membership), Katie D’Urso (MTA), Charlie Cianfarini (VP/MCLA), Michael Pelletier (SalemSU), Alan Jackson (WorcesterSU), Howie Larosee (MassArt), Kathi Bradford (Secretary), 6 members from MCLA local chapter Not in Attendance: Mark Powers (FraminghamSU), Mike Storey (BridgewaterSU), Rich Sutter (WestfieldSU), Jim Murphy (Treasurer), Ed Vacha (Maritime) I. Meeting was Called to Order at 12:25pm – Sherry Horeanopoulos, President II. Approval of Minutes from November 20, 2015 III. Treasurer’s Report – Jim Murphy, Treasurer IV. President’s Report – Sherry V. Membership and Data – Aaron Childs, Statewide Membership Coordinator VI. Health and Welfare Report ‐ Alan Jackson, Representative to the Health and Welfare Committee VII. Announcements a. Sherry welcomed attendance at the monthly meetings of the Executive board and let everyone know we would keep them up to date via the website and email during the course of negotiations. Adjournment – 1:45pm