Contract Negotiations Updates

Updates on the progress of APA/BHE successor contract negotiations will be posted here, so keep an eye on this page for the latest bargaining information.

The next bargaining session is scheduled for October 24, 2024.

Negotiations Timeline

  • 3/8/24: Demand to Bargain sent to Management
  • 3/28/24: Management announced their Bargaining team members and offered dates for meeting
  • 4/10/24: Initial bargaining session – via Zoom. Set Ground Rules
  • 5/2/24: Bargaining session #1 – Worcester State University. The following were presented:
  • 5/14/24: Response to information request received from Framingham State University and Westfield State University
  • 5/20/24: BHE Counter Proposal #1 to APA Proposal 3 presented via email
  • 5/30/24: Bargaining session #2 – via Zoom. The following were presented:
  • 6/20/24: Bargaining session #3 – via Zoom. The following were presented:
  • 7/17/24: Bargaining session #4 – via Zoom. The following were presented:
  • 8/1/24: Bargaining session #5 – Worcester State University. The following were presented:
  • 9/11/24: Bargaining session #6 – via Zoom. The following were presented:
    • Last session to introduce new proposals. The following were presented:
    • APA Counter Proposal #1 to BHE Counter Proposal #1 to APA Proposal 3: Article VIII – Job Security Probationary Period
    • BHE Counter Proposal #1 to APA Proposal 13: Article IV – Performance Evaluations
    • Amended BHE Proposal 1: Article II – Job Descriptions (combines BHE Proposal 1 and BHE Proposal 5)
    • Amended BHE Proposal 7: Article VII – Job Security
  • 9/26/24: Bargaining session #7 – Fitchburg State University. The following were presented:


APA Proposals

APA Proposal 1: Article VII – Health and Welfare Funding

  • 5/2/24: APA Proposal 1 presented
    • Request an increase in funding so we can get better dental and vision benefits, etc.

APA Proposal 2: Appendix M – Athletic Trainers Stipend

  • 5/2/24: APA Proposal 2 presented
    • Request a yearly stipend for athletic trainers for protective apparel and clothing

APA Proposal 3: Article VIII – Job Security Probationary Period

  • 5/2/24: APA Proposal 3 presented
    • Reduce the number of years to less than 4
  • 5/20/24: BHE Counter Proposal #1 to APA Proposal 3 presented via email
    • 1 year reduction in years of provisional service
    • Changes to severance and notice
  • 9/11/24: APA Counter Proposal #1 to BHE Counter Proposal #1 to APA Proposal 3 presented
    • 1 year reduction in years of provisional service accepted
    • Changes to severance and notice were rejected
  • 9/26/24: BHE Counter Proposal #2 to APA Counter Proposal #1 presented

APA Proposal 4: Article VII – Meal Expenses

  • 5/30/24: APA Proposal 4 presented
    • Increase the allotted meal allowances for travel to be in line with Federal GSA

APA Proposal 5: Article VII – Vacation Leave Accrual Policy

  • 5/30/24: APA Proposal 5 presented
    • Return to converting vacation leave over the cap from forfeiture to sick time
    • Change the “sweep” to happen only once per year

APA Proposal 6: Article VII – Tuition Remission Fringe Benefit

  • 5/30/24: APA Proposal 6 presented
    • Request courses at home university be tuition and fee free

APA Proposal 7: Article III – Workload Comp Time

  • 5/30/24: APA Proposal 7 presented
    • Request comp time when working peak periods
  • 8/1/24: APA Proposal 7a presented, replaces APA Proposal 7
    • Addition of language stating the work week is 37.5 hours and additional hours will receive compensatory time
    • Added language for Maritime cruises on weekend days will receive flexible scheduling

APA Proposal 8: Article V – Step System/Longevity Raises

  • 6/20/24: APA Proposal 8 presented
    • Implement a step system

APA Proposal 9: Article III – Job Descriptions

  • 6/20/24: APA Proposal 9 presented
    • Request additional pertinent information be added to job descriptions (e.g. work modality, if position is on-call, etc.)

APA Proposal 10: Article VII – Personal Leave

  • 6/20/24: APA Proposal 10 presented
    • Personal leave to be requested from area supervisor
  • 7/17/24: BHE Counter Proposal #1 to APA Proposal 10 presented
    • Acceptance of change to request time from supervisor
    • Clarification of language regarding when personal leave accrues and by when it must be used
    • Tentative agreement reached

APA Proposal 11: Article I – Appendix M Remote Work Policy

  • 6/20/24: APA Proposal 11 presented
    • Add language to CBA for remote work w/ flexibility to work from home, requirements etc.

APA Proposal 12: Article III – Duties and Responsibilities

  • 7/17/24: APA Proposal 12 presented
    • Increase in the acting pay (currently $100 per week)
    • Change of language to reflect all types of leave or position vacancies

APA Proposal 13: Article IV – Evaluations

  • 6/20/24: APA Proposal 13 presented
    • Simplify the annual review process and update forms used
  • 9/11/24: BHE Counter Proposal #1 to APA Proposal 13
    • Acceptance of reduction to one self-evaluation per year
    • Proposed new timelines for submission of evaluations
    • Appendix D (supervisor’s evaluation form) was amended to include prompts as well as language regarding performance improvement plans (PIPs)

APA Proposal 14: Article VII – Leave

  • 7/17/24: APA Proposal 14 presented
    • Add bereavement time for death of niece and/or nephew
    • Tentative agreement reached

APA Proposal 15: Article II – Association Representatives

  • 7/17/24: APA Proposal 15 presented
    • Change in release time language to mirror that in our union siblings’ contracts

APA Proposal 16: Appendix I – Supplemental Agreement Covering Public Safety Personnel

  • 8/1/24: APA Proposal 16 presented
    • Change of language to include shifts (in addition to details)

APA Proposal 17: Article III – Workload of Administrators at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy

  • 8/1/24: APA Proposal 17 presented
    • Increases in cruise stipend to also include time spend dockside and pre-cruise
    • Addition of compensatory time while on training ship and cruise
  • 9/26/24: Tentative agreement reached

Management (BHE) Proposals

BHE Proposal 1: Article II – Physical Bulletin Boards and Job Posting Procedures

  • 5/2/24: BHE Proposal 1 presented
    • Remove requirement to post job posting on a physical bulletin board; proposal is to post these notifications electronically
    • Remove requirement to make 2 bulletin boards available for APA’s use
  • 9/11/24: Amended BHE Proposal 1 presented
    • The amended proposal combined BHE Proposal 1 and BHE Proposal 5 into this new, Amended BHE Proposal 1
  • 9/26/24: Tentative agreement reached

BHE Proposal 2: Article X – Personnel Files

  • 5/2/24: BHE Proposal 2 presented
    • Add electronic, paper, or a combination of both relating to documents maintained in the official personnel file
    • Remove language regarding the dating and numbering of documents
  • 9/26/24: Tentative agreement reached

BHE Proposal 3: Article V – EMT Certification

  • 5/2/24: BHE Proposal 3 presented
    • Require EMT certified employees to present a copy of their valid EMT certificate by 12/1 for stipend to be paid in January

BHE Proposal 4: Article VII – Educational Leave

  • 5/30/24: BHE Proposal 4 presented
    • Adding Date Deadlines for submitting requests for Educational Leave

BHE Proposal 5: Article VI – Job Posting Procedures

  • 8/1/24: BHE Proposal 5 presented
    • Change in job posting vacancies to be posted to university websites
  • 9/11/24: Amended BHE Proposal 1 presented
    • The amended proposal combined BHE Proposal 1 and BHE Proposal 5 into this new, Amended BHE Proposal 1

BHE Proposal 6: Article IX – Retrenchment Notice

  • 6/20/24: BHE Proposal 6 presented
    • Reduce the number of months required for notice

BHE Proposal 7: Article VII – Job Security

  • 6/20/24: BHE Proposal 7 presented
    • Update the provisional service to include voluntary transfers
  • 9/11/24: Amended BHE Proposal 7 presented
    • Definition of voluntary transfer was added

BHE Proposal 8: Article VII – Leave

  • 7/17/24: BHE Proposal 8 presented
    • Addition of leave for administrators whose family members are a member of the military
    • Addition of language to sick leave, to use sick time for administrator’s medical diagnosis, treatment or care
  • 9/26/24: Tentative agreement reached

BHE Proposal 9: Article VI – Promotions and Salary Adjustments

  • 7/17/24: BHE Proposal 9 presented
    • Change in deadline by which request for salary adjustment must be made
    • Remove 90 day timeline by which a decision must be rendered by the university
  • 8/1/24: APA Counter Proposal #1 to BHE Proposal 9 presented
    • Addition of language requiring notification to unit members of upcoming salary adjustment request deadline
    • Addition of minimum increase amount to be added on base salary for newly acquired academic degrees or professional credentials relevant to position
  • 9/26/24: Tentative agreement reached

BHE Proposal 10: Appendix K – Position Characteristics

  • 8/1/24: BHE Proposal 10 presented
    • Change in how language is used to guide determination of job levels

BHE Financial Proposal: Article V – Salary Adjustments

  • 8/1/24: BHE Financial Proposal presented